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Hakan Acar 26.09.2024
Arkadaşlar merhaba!
Drama dersi için sunumlar bireysel olmayacak çünkü konu dağılımı açısından sıkıntı yaratabiliyor.
Bu yüzden; kısa konular için 2 kişilik gruplar, daha uzun ve ayrıntılı konular için ise; 3-4 kişilik gruplar yeterli olacaktır. Konuları da Syllabus üzerinden seçmeniz gerekmekte
Oluşturduğunuz grupları Zeynep'e gönderebilirsiniz.
(İsim, soyisim ve okul numarası)
İyi akşamlar.
Hakan Acar 21.09.2024
Medieval Literature
You have to create a group with 4 to 6 students then choose a topic from the excel file which is below. Inform me about your topic and your group members as soon as possible. The list will be given to the teacher on 26 Sept. Thursday. You'll record a video that everybody speaks in your group one by one to tell their thoughts about the topic. You have to divide your main topic to subtopics and record it, then finally someone should prepare a report. A topic cannot be choosen twice by two different group. So be quick to create your groups

Here are the rules that she shared with us;
1- please do not get stuck on the number of students. If it says 5 students, they can be 4 students or 6 students.
2- The dates are as stated, there can be no change. You will present the topic you have chosen on the specified date
3- Discussion reports will be written or someone among you who does not have stage fright will read what he/she wrote in the board and read it to us so that we can give feedback.
4- Videos must be sent at least 2 days before the reading session, there can be no report reading without sending a video,
5- at least do not use AI when writing a report, think of it as a writing exercise please
6- your reports should not exceed 5 pages but not less than 2 pages.
7- The list will be taken from Hakan next Thursday in class. Those who do not sign up until then cannot be included in the groups again and will get -25 in the final. Since this group project constitutes 25% of the final grade, each student will be evaluated over 25 points. The final will be a 75-point exam.
8- All students must participate in the project, including those who take it from the bottom
9- The discussions will be in English, do not read in the discussions, each group should prepare a 15-20 minute video.
10- After everyone talks about their topic, there should be a 2-3 minute closing remarks
11- If they cannot combine them, they should not have too much difficulty, if they cannot combine them, there should be a 2-minute video for each student individually, and the last conclusion discussion is 3 minutes. So if the group is 5 people, there can be 6 videos separately.
12- A topic cannot be choosen twice by two different group. So be quick to create your groups
br> (Rules are translated with DeepL but i didn't check it since it's too long)
Hakan Acar 21.09.2024
Shakespeare I
You have to read Othello Act I until the next week
Hakan Acar 21.09.2024
19th Century Novels
We will study these novels in the same order as here. It would be better if you read the books early

1. Hard Times by Charles Dickens
2. Mill on the Floss by George Eliot
3. Wuthering Heights by Bronte
4. Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

You can find pdf formats of books on this website: