Hakan Acar 24.05.2024
British Cultural History
Week 13
Week 13
Hakan Acar 15.05.2024
week 12-13
week 12-13
Hakan Acar 10.05.2024
British Cultural History
Week 11
Week 11
Hakan Acar 25.04.2024
British Cultural History
Week 9 and Week 10 presentations
Week 9 and Week 10 presentations
Hakan Acar 18.04.2024
Teaching Skills
Interchange 3 Kitabı
Interchange 3 Kitabı
Hakan Acar 29.03.2024
Romantics course mid-term exam study questions
Hakan Acar 25.03.2024
Documents for the Translation Course
Documents for the Translation Course
Hakan Acar 22.03.2024
British Cultural History
Week 6 Presentation
Week 6 Presentation
Hakan Acar 21.03.2024
Week 6 - William Wordsworth
Week 6 - William Wordsworth
Hakan Acar 12.03.2024
British Cultural History
Week 5 Presentation
Week 5 Presentation
Hakan Acar 11.03.2024
British Cultural History Presentation dates
15 Mart 2023: Drama, Classical Mythology, Pub Culture
22 Mart 2023: Norse Mythology, Irish Society( Baxt) and Scottish Society (Ömer)
29 Mart 2023: British Election history/ Literary Figures
5 Nisan: British Educational System, Royal Family 1,
26 Nisan Food and Drink, Royal Family 2, Music, Sport ( girls)
3 Mayıs 2023: cinema, architecture, sports (boys)
15 Mart 2023: Drama, Classical Mythology, Pub Culture
22 Mart 2023: Norse Mythology, Irish Society( Baxt) and Scottish Society (Ömer)
29 Mart 2023: British Election history/ Literary Figures
5 Nisan: British Educational System, Royal Family 1,
26 Nisan Food and Drink, Royal Family 2, Music, Sport ( girls)
3 Mayıs 2023: cinema, architecture, sports (boys)
Hakan Acar 11.03.2024
Translation Files
Hakan Acar 07.03.2024
British Cultural History
Week 4 presentation
Week 4 presentation
Hakan Acar 06.03.2024
Teaching Language Skills
Interchange 1 and Interchange 2 kitapları, sunumların yapılacağı kitaplar
Interchange 1 and Interchange 2 kitapları, sunumların yapılacağı kitaplar
Hakan Acar 05.03.2024
Teaching Language Skills
Here is the unit plans and the coursebook we'll use for our presentations.
Here is the unit plans and the coursebook we'll use for our presentations.
Hakan Acar 05.03.2024
Teaching Language Skills
Sunum Listesi
Sunum Listesi
Hakan Acar 05.03.2024
Bu hafta isleyecegimiz romanticism sunusu. Hoca şiirleri önden okumamızı istedi.
Hakan Acar 29.02.2024
Tomorrow's British Cultural History Presentation
Hakan Acar 29.02.2024
Güncel Ders Programı

Hakan Acar 23.02.2024
British Cultural History
First 2 Presentations
First 2 Presentations
Hakan Acar 16.02.2024
18th Century
Here is the syllabus of the 18th Century course.
Alper is preparing a list for 18th century novel presentation, this presentation is optional and if you do it, 10 points will be added to your final exam.
You can choose a novel or an author from the syllabus for your topic and you can make it as a group or individually. (If you choose to present an author max number of group member is 2, if your topic is to analyze a novel it is 4)
Send your name, student number and your topic to Alper privately if you want to make presentation, you have two weeks to choose a topic.
Here is the syllabus of the 18th Century course.
Alper is preparing a list for 18th century novel presentation, this presentation is optional and if you do it, 10 points will be added to your final exam.
You can choose a novel or an author from the syllabus for your topic and you can make it as a group or individually. (If you choose to present an author max number of group member is 2, if your topic is to analyze a novel it is 4)
Send your name, student number and your topic to Alper privately if you want to make presentation, you have two weeks to choose a topic.
Hakan Acar 16.02.2024
Microsoft Teams Ekip Kodları
Atatürk İlke ve İnk.: iaqgehq
Formasyon Eğitim Psikolojisi (1. Şube): 7qhfxvv
Formasyon Rehberlik ve Özel Eğitim (1. Şube): 0a2qv00
Formasyon derslerinin yalnızca 1. şubeleri elimde mevcut. İkinci şubedeki arkadaşlar oys ve obs sistemlerinden kendileri kontrol edebilirler.
Atatürk İlke ve İnk.: iaqgehq
Formasyon Eğitim Psikolojisi (1. Şube): 7qhfxvv
Formasyon Rehberlik ve Özel Eğitim (1. Şube): 0a2qv00
Formasyon derslerinin yalnızca 1. şubeleri elimde mevcut. İkinci şubedeki arkadaşlar oys ve obs sistemlerinden kendileri kontrol edebilirler.
Hakan Acar 16.02.2024
Here is the coursebook and the syllabus of the Romantics course.
Here is the coursebook and the syllabus of the Romantics course.
Hakan Acar 16.02.2024
British Cultural History
- the file named "David McDowall - An Illustrated History of Britain-Longman Group UK Limited (2006)" is the main coursebook of our British Cultural History course.
- the file named"John Oakland - British Civilization_ An Introduction, 5th edition (2002) (2002)" is for the presentations you'll present in the class. You can use this book as a source
Hakan Acar 03.01.2024
Here is the sample multiple choice questions for 17th Century final exam.
Hakan Acar 26.12.2023
26122023-201230-385_restatements-advanced-level-test-quiz-online-exercise-with-answers-2_englishtestsonline.com (1).pdf
Hakan Acar 25.12.2023
Short Story
Sınava Hazırlık Dosyaları
Sınava Hazırlık Dosyaları
Hakan Acar 19.12.2023
Today's Document
Today's Document
Hakan Acar 15.12.2023
Teaching Skills
4. Sınıf Ders Kitabı
4. Sınıf Ders Kitabı
Hakan Acar 06.12.2023
Today's files
Today's files
Hakan Acar 06.12.2023
Teaching Skills
3. sınıf ders kitabı
3. sınıf ders kitabı
Hakan Acar 14.11.2023
Here is the sample questions for 17th Century course mid-term and final exams.
Alper Derman 25.10.2023
Teaching Language Skills book for the group presentations
Hakan Acar 24.10.2023
Previous week files
Previous week files
Hakan Acar 19.10.2023
17th Century. Files that the teacher forgot to share last week
Hakan Acar 19.10.2023
Here is 17th Century 3rd week presentations.
Hakan Acar 15.10.2023
Classical Literature
Course Materials
Course Materials
Hakan Acar 12.10.2023
17th Century
Week 2 presentation and highlighted version of the coursebook
Week 2 presentation and highlighted version of the coursebook
Alper Derman 11.10.2023
Teaching Language Skills course book
Hakan Acar 11.10.2023
17th Century Coursebook
Hakan Acar 10.10.2023
Syllabus for Seventeenth Century Course
Hakan Acar 08.10.2023
Serkan prepared an abridged version of the Short Story course book based on the topics to be covered in the our syllabus. Below you can find a version of the book that includes only the parts of the syllabus. Although the book has been checked for compliance with the syllabus, there may be a few missing or incorrect sequencing errors. If you wish, you can print the book after you have checked it yourself
Hakan Acar 08.10.2023
Seventeenth Century Prose and Poetry
Course Materials
Course Materials
Hakan Acar 07.10.2023
Short Story
Course Materials
Course Materials
Hakan Acar 07.10.2023
Basic Russian
Our Class Notes for Russian
Our Class Notes for Russian
Hakan Acar 05.10.2023
Renaissance course syllabus

Hakan Acar 05.10.2023
Basic Russian
Cyrillic Alphabets (Kiril Alfabesi)
Cyrillic Alphabets (Kiril Alfabesi)

Hakan Acar 05.10.2023
Formasyon Teams Kodları
Şube 1:
Eğitime Giriş: 2ltzh5i
Sınıf Yönetimi: jz61j16
Şube 2:
Eğitime Giriş: p225awq
Sınıf Yönetimi: rjzjhe1
Hangi şubeye kayıtlı olduğunuz ders programında ders kodunun hemen yanındaki parantez içerisinde yazmaktadır. Daha önce paylaştığım ders kodları ve ders saatleri 1. Şubeye kayıtlı olan arkadaşlar için geçerlidir. 2. Şubeye kayıtlı olan kişiler OBS üzerinden formasyon ders saatlerini kontrol edebilirler.
Şube 1:
Eğitime Giriş: 2ltzh5i
Sınıf Yönetimi: jz61j16
Şube 2:
Eğitime Giriş: p225awq
Sınıf Yönetimi: rjzjhe1
Hangi şubeye kayıtlı olduğunuz ders programında ders kodunun hemen yanındaki parantez içerisinde yazmaktadır. Daha önce paylaştığım ders kodları ve ders saatleri 1. Şubeye kayıtlı olan arkadaşlar için geçerlidir. 2. Şubeye kayıtlı olan kişiler OBS üzerinden formasyon ders saatlerini kontrol edebilirler.
Hakan Acar 01.10.2023
Here is our timetable.

Hakan Acar 01.10.2023
Microsoft Teams Codes
Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolutions I: eob329e
Eğitime Giriş (Formasyon): 2ltzh5i
Sınıf Yönetimi (Formasyon): jz61j16
Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolutions I: eob329e
Eğitime Giriş (Formasyon): 2ltzh5i
Sınıf Yönetimi (Formasyon): jz61j16